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Medical Marijuana Cards Specialist

Matt Pabis, MD

Family Medicine Physician located in East Village, New York, NY

If you’re interested in learning about medical marijuana treatments or obtaining a medical marijuana card, Matt Pabis, MD, offers consultation services at his self-titled family practice in the East Village area of New York City. Dr. Pabis will discuss how medical marijuana may be able to help in the treatment of a variety of chronic illnesses. To find out if you qualify, book an appointment online or over the phone today.

Medical Marijuana Cards Q & A

What can I expect during a medical marijuana consultation?

Dr. Pabis offers comprehensive exams for a variety of chronic conditions. He can perform a thorough review of your medical history and discuss your current condition to determine if medical marijuana therapy is right for you.

During your consultation, Dr. Pabis will go over your treatment options based on your symptoms. If he thinks medical marijuana could help you, he can write a recommendation to assist you in obtaining a medical marijuana card.

Why do I need a medical marijuana card?

A medical marijuana card, or cannabis card, is a form of identification that enables you to legally purchase supplies from medical marijuana dispensaries. Dispensaries sell products, such as cannabis-infused medications, for the treatment of acute or chronic medical conditions.

Individual states issue medical marijuana cards and require a recommendation from a licensed physician. Once you receive your signed recommendation and necessary paperwork from Dr. Pabis, you will still need to apply with the state you live in and meet additional requirements.

What conditions may qualify me for medical marijuana treatment?

Regulations vary among states. However, there are some common health conditions that may qualify you to get medical marijuana legally. These conditions usually include:

  • Cancer
  • Epilepsy
  • Glaucoma
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Degenerative disease

Medical marijuana may relieve chronic pain and other symptoms of diseases and disorders when other therapies aren’t effective. Dr. Pabis can determine whether your existing health issues qualify you for treatment with medical marijuana. He may also recommend other therapies before considering marijuana.

How is medical marijuana used in treatment?

Medical marijuana is available in different forms to accommodate individual needs. Most commonly, medical marijuana can be taken orally, smoked, vaporized, or dissolved under your tongue. You may also benefit from marijuana-infused topical treatments.

If you’re interested in pursuing treatment with medical marijuana, feel free to discuss your goals with Dr. Pabis. He can help you understand all of your options for treatment and help you make the most informed decision regarding your health.

To schedule a medical marijuana consultation, book an appointment with Matt Pabis, MD, online or over the phone today.